Originally planned for release in 2019 and then delayed to 2020 and then again, it seems this announcement of the new release date of 25 August 21 might just be the one. Pre orders are now live and an announcement has been made by developer, Double Fine, that the title is fully playable internally, which most likely means it is in the testing phase. For those of you too young to remember what the testing phase is in games development, that’s when developers pay professions to thoroughly test the title before launch, instead of just releasing it and waiting for all the bug complaints to flood in from paying customers. Novel concept eh?

The title is due for release on XBoxOne, XboxSeriesX/S, PS4, and PC, so if you were worried that Microsoft’s taking over of the developer might mean it being cancelled on other platforms then fear no more. Further to the wonder of internal testing, the developer has also confirmed that the title has been completed without a crunch period. As long the launch is smooth, someone needs to get to polishing Double Fine’s well deserved halo. While the wait might have been painful, I’m sure all fans would agree that a happy, healthy working atmosphere for the development team is worth a little extra wait and too many games have been crunched out and released too soon resulting in buggy messes and stressed development teams, so well done Double Fine for hopefully bucking that trend.

Feel free to check out the trailer at the top of this article for a glimpse of what is to come.
