On Saturday 24th February at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore, we will be hosting an event with a difference – welcoming a host of authors and editors from four small press publishers into a mini convention!


The publishing market right now can be quite tough for small press. It has always been thus, but with the rise of eBooks and print-on-demand services, things have been getting better. Though there is still something of a stigma against independent publishing, and especially against self-publishing.

Amazon, that gigantic corporation enveloping every aspect of our lives, can be something of a double edged sword for small press. On the one hand, it is the world’s biggest market place, and listing your book there is relatively cheap and easy. However, the complex algorithms they use simply push you to the bottom of the search pile more often than not.

Forbidden Planet look to be trying to extend a hand and give small presses a bit of a boost with their new event. That it is taking place at one of their biggest stores is perhaps an indication that this is some serious business going on.

From the press release

From NewCon Press, Fox Spirit Books, Grimbold Books and Snowbooks, we’ve gathered a swathe of talent – and we’re throwing open our books department to celebrate the love of genre which brings us all together. Come down on the day to mix and chat with the authors in one of our trademark ‘open plan’ events!

We’re also launching some fabulous #smallpressbigstories new releases, including Dan Jones’s Man O’War, Jan Siegel’s Multiverse and Isha Crowe’s Gwithyas: Door To The Void.

So come and join all of us – Dan Jones, Bryan Wigmore, Jonathan Green, Jan Seigel, Ian Whates, Isha Crowe, Steven Poore, Jessica Saunders, Donna Scott and Jaine Fenn – and we promise to make it a day to remember!

Come on Down

Some talent from our own Network will also be there! I (Joel Cornah) will be helping out at the Grimbold Books table, even though my own titles won’t be there. This is an event to show the team spirit of small press. For many authors working in a larger publisher can feel a little isolating. For independents, the team and family atmosphere is paramount.

So, why not come and see what all the fuss is about? Saturday 24th February at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore. Save the date and grab some amazing books.

