Yours Truly

This was my second Manchester Comic Con and didn’t fail to impress a second time. The venue is the gorgeous Manchester Central Convention Centre which was an old railway station and still boasts beautiful iron arches, which fit in very well with my steampunk costume.

I arrived in the bright sunshine, waiting in line before being let in very efficiently into the hall. The stalls were good this year, with all you could think of in figurines, plushies and posters as well as the hugely impressive Artists area. There was also a Steampunk area which this year was well positioned in the middle of the main hall, whereas last year it had been tucked away at the back. I was fully engrossed into watching my first ever ‘Tea Duelling’ event here: basically the game ‘chicken’ but with dunked biscuits and a wonderfully named ‘Tiffin Master’! Great fun!

I wandered around the Comic Village and was again awestruck at some of the beautiful pieces on show and brilliant comic book artists, as well as super cute cat posters and chibi drawings. One artist even boasted that you could be drawn like a sloth!

While it was quite busy in the morning, by lunchtime the main hall felt less crowded, and I ventured into the signing hall where I caught a brief glimpse of Robert Llewellyn. Other guests included Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy!

There were plenty of gorgeous and innovative cosplays and costumes to see as people walked around the hall: from mini Wonder Woman to an impressive 8 foot tall Chaos Space Marine! There were also plenty of steampunked characters, so I was happy!

Manchester MCM Comic Con is a smaller event than the big Cons of London and Birmingham, and as such I feel I can get to say hello to more people, plus I don’t feel nearly so rushed as I do at the bigger cons, it’s a very intimate affair.There’s also a very wide range of cosplays and things on offer: from Disney to League of Legends there’s a pop culture market for everyone!  If you’re looking for a place to make friends and saunter through stalls then Manchester MCM Comic Con is a good place to start.

I only attended the Saturday, but heard Sunday was just as big!
