The Welsh author of notorious zombie novels Burn The Dead, Spine, & Rotten Bodies, as turned his hand to something a little different… Vampires.

Yes that master of the slowly rotting risen dead is swiftly becoming the lord of the undead, as novel Thea: A Vampire Story, leaves us chilled, thrilled, and very much wanting more.

A huge fan of his zombie outings I was beyond delighted to hear he was trying his hand a vampires, but I was unsure – would he be able to pull it off? Would his style suit the needs of vampire noir? And just how would he deal with monster that had to…you know…talk?

Thea: A Vampire Story

Well it turns out my fears for his abilities were unfounded, but my fears while reading were thoroughly grounded in a compelling, thriller-style plot, that seamlessly wove together the very modern concerns of urban living and the monstrous concerns of the undead.

It also posed the question: How far would you go to protect your children? Would you really do whatever it took? Even if what it took, meant turning into the very thing you most feared?

With several of the themes of Thea overlapping those in my own WIP, Death Becomes Me, I ripped through this in no time at all. One might say, I devoured it. I sincerely hope he writes more, because this has the potential to be a series and damn it, I want more!

That’s not to say you can stop writing zombie novels mind you, Mister Jenkins, we’ll be needing more of both!
