Articles By This Author


Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age – PS4 – Review

FFXII: The Zodiac Age, released July 2017, is a HD remaster of the original, released in 2006, enhanced with few gameplay tweaks. FF12 is the


Han Solo Movie Predictions We Hope Won't Come True

The Han Solo movie cast and its original two directors (source: Episode VIII is around the corner and the Han Solo movie is waiting


Pokemon Go – Unusual sightings Europe

As of Saturday 5th August “unusual sightings” have been spotted in some cities in the UK and the rest of Europe.  Kangaskhan and five versions


Uncharted: The Lost Legacy – Release

Today is the day many Uncharted fans have been waiting for, the launch of the first ever standalone Uncharted title “The Lost Legacy”.  Unfortunately, fans


Steampunk Writers: César Santivañez

Today we would like you to meet César Santivañez, one of the “Steampunk Writers Around the World” authors. César has contributed the short story “LAS CADENAS INFINITAS”,


Pokémon Go – Legendary Release Dates

The first legendries, Articuno and Lugia, were released following on from the Pokémon Go Fest in Chicago with the promise that the other legendary birds


Pokémon Go – Legendary Pokémon Released!

Yes, finally after a year of waiting the legendary Pokémon have arrived, at least for some. Legendary raids were released on Sunday and work similar


Injustice 2: Review – PS4

Yes, finally, it’s the promised Injustice 2 review. As usual feel free to watch the video review above or to read it below, the old


NASA Astronaut Kjell Lindgren Presents Another Hugo, This Time From Earth

Worldcon 75 is pleased to announce that Special Guest, NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren, will present an award at the 64th Hugo award ceremony on Friday


VR at E3 – Make or Break?

It’s been said that E3 this year could make or break VR, in terms of uptake by developers and certainly if you’re a VR adopter