Articles By This Author


Padmé's Past In “Queen's Shadow”: Review

I had very much hope for this year’s first Star Wars novel. It promised something completely different from what we got used to: a different


Undercover Boss – With Kylo Ren

The job of an evil Dark Side user is very hard, especially if one suffers from an inferiority complex caused by the high standards, set


Victoria Schwab Interview – Writers of Fantasy Podcast

For this week’s episode of the Writers of Fantasy Podcast, I got to talk to Victoria Schwab, aka V.E. Schwab. She is an American fantasy


Star Wars Kirigami Exhibition in London

If you don’t have any plans for next weekend and you would like to see some unusual Star Wars-related art, head to London. Starting on


The Catholic And The Convert – Part 4

Part 1; Part 2; Part 3. Power and Purpose of Good The idea of Good is often oversimplified, so it is important to understand what


Rebels E306: The Last Battle Review

It is pretty much obvious that The Last Battle was a way for the makers to revisit the Clone Wars. A bit of nostalgia never


Four Witcher Creatures and their Folklore Counterparts

The Witcher franchise is littered with all sorts of creatures. From Spectres to Cursed Ones, Vampires to Relicts, Ghouls to Alghouls (yes, there is a


First Order Officers: Power Dynamics Between General Hux and Kylo Ren

 Just like in the old trilogy, the military officers actually make the First Order what it is. It is very much clear from the film


Doctor Who Series 11 Was Okay!

Last night, I went out to a Christmas party and met some old friends and some new ones. Many people there had never watched Doctor


Merry Christmas From The SFFN Crew!

Dearest readers, Merry Christmas to you all from the SFFN crew! The way you continue to follow the SFFN has been amazing, and not just in