Articles By This Author


What Is the Best Way to Write a Horror-Fantasy Novel

In horror-fantasy novels there is no such thing as a colorful world. They’re often set in bleak, unforgiving worlds, confronted by terrifying monsters that serve


Feb 13 Nintendo Direct Summary

The last announcement is potentially the most exciting: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is getting the full remake treatment on the Switch. It’s been a while


I Kissed a Vampire – Review

Remember puberty? I think we all know that this particular period of life can mean going through emotional hell. Now imagine you’re doing it while


Adrian Tchaikovsky Interview – LARP, Bugs & Space Elevators

During Mancunicon (Eastercon 2016), I had the pleasure of chatting with SF and Fantasy author, Adrian Tchaikovsky. Adrian has written numerous novels, with ‘Shadows of the Apt’


Star Wars as Techno-Dystopia (and Obi-Wan as Technophobe)

Since the sci-fi genre’s origins, one of its inseparable parts has been the theme of misuse of advanced technology in human hands, or its getting


Aliens – 30 Years of Greatness

Thirty years ago, a long-awaited sequel burst onto American cinema screens in a blaze of publicity. This, after all, wasn’t just any old sequel –


“Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell” at the Great North Art Show

Set in the magnificent setting of Ripon Cathedral in North Yorkshire, the Great North Art Show is running from the 2nd-24th of September. It is


The Dwarf Ori talks Hobbit and Pirates of the Caribbean

Adam Brown – Ori the dwarf from The Hobbit HobbitCon 3 Bonn, Germany Hi Ho – Hi Ho it’s off to chat to Ori we


What Steampunk Means to Me…

Europe has an extremely lively Steampunk movement: EuroSteamCon is a Europe-wide event that tries to cross-link during a set segment of time with as many


A Rookie Perspective on Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

“Rookie” rhymes with “Wookie” – that’s a word association I wouldn’t have smiled to myself and felt all fuzzy inside about as recently as two