Articles By This Author


Hanging At The Fringe – Episode 2

Welcome back to Episode 2 of Hanging at the Fringe 2015. This is a show about life during Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival. For all of you creative Sci-fi & Fantasy


Steam-Artin' Around The World Part II

Continuing our art journey around the world, (click here if you have missed part I), let’s begin with author and artist, Kevin Mowrer. Kevin wrote Frahnknshtyne,


Ghost in the Shell Review

What makes us, well, us? Is it our bodies? Our minds? The intangible soul, or ghost, within? This is the focus of Ghost in the


Luna Press Publishing Acquires Three More Books in YA Series by Elizabeth Priest

Francesca Tristan Barbini of Luna Press Publishing has acquired World English rights in three further volumes of the Troutespond series of YA novels by young


Meeting Alisa Green – Part 2

Interviews from the past. Welcome back for the conclusion of our interview with Alisa Green, Programming Director for Steamcon. Part 1 can be read here.


Gelsomina & The Moon Yarn – Out Now!

Meet Valerio Vitantoni, author and artist. Valerio’s enchanting illustrated fairytale, Gelsomina & The Moon Yarn, combines Steampunk with a touch of Beatrix Potter flair, in his own fresh


The Forge Studios: From Star Wars to Outlawed Faith

Amidst the long waiting for Rogue One, independent filmmaking teams are filling the void with their own Star Wars creations. One of them, The Forge


The critically acclaimed Worldshapers fantasy series continues with Master of the World

The Worldshapers fantasy series by award-winning Saskatchewan author Edward Willett, continues with the September 10 release of Book 2, Master of the World, from DAW


The Witchfinders – Doctor Who Review

We’re up north once again! The Doctor and friends find themselves in Lancashire, near Pendle Hill, in the middle of the infamous Witch Trials. But


Are Square Enix Ruining Their Classic RPGs?

Two news stories in the last few weeks have shown a worrying trend. The Secret of Mana 3D remake received a lacklustre response. Not long afterword a