'The German Tolkien Society' DTG

The German Tolkien Society goes from strength to strength. We catch up with Tobias M. Eckrich the DTG chairman who discusses what has made the DTG a


Hot Moon By Alan Smale

Set for release this July and published by CAEZIK SF & Fantasy, an imprint of Arc Manor Books. The novel will be available in eBook and


Steven Universe – The Spiritual Successor To Avatar?

I’ve talked a lot about Avatar the Last Airbender and its sequel, The Legend of Korra. At first glance, Steven Universe seems like a completely


Drox Operative 2: Out Now

Drox Operative 2, a starship action RPG, has now passed from early access to full release and is available on Steam. The game is developed


Tolkien in the TARDIS

At WorldCon2017 in Helsinki I gave a talk on Doctor Who and Tolkien. I had previously given it at the Tolkien Society a few years


The Return of Doctor Mysterio – Doctor Who Christmas Special Review

“Don’t you think it looks tired?” The Doctor Who Christmas special this year, The Return of Doctor Mysterio felt very much like an attempt to


On the Edge of Reason

Although a committed fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, I confess my wider knowledge of Science Fiction and Fantasy is more limited. Clearly, elements from these genres


Pyramid at the End of the World – Doctor Who Review

Suspenseful, intriguing, and filled with menace, this was a definite improvement on last week’s episode. Where The Pyramid at the End of the World succeeds


Supergirl Season 3 'In Search of Lost Time' Review

This episode of Supergirl focuses on J’onn’s father, M’yrnn J’onzz. Since the last episode, team super know about M’yrnn’s illness. And M’yrnn is using ancient


Avatar: Smoke and Shadow Part 3 Review

Part 3, the final installment of the Smoke and Shadow series, part of the Avatar: The Last Airbender comics, has been released and boy does