Articles By This Author


The Tolkien Society's Oxonmoot – A Word with Elena Krysova

In October 2014 Elena Krysova became the Chairman of Oxonmoot, one of the oldest and largest annual events of the Tolkien Society. FB: When did


'Evil In The Shining Light' Art Show – First Look

The ‘Evil In The Shining Light‘ art show in Sheffield has finally opened its doors to the public. Artist and curator John Cockshaw has created a walkthrough


Elden Ring – Open World – Good or Bad?

If there is one thing in Elden Ring that seems to have had a polarising affect, it’s the open world areas. For some players, the


Steampunk People Are The Best People

I often comment how steampunk activities all come down to the great people involved. There are the people with the drive and motivation who step


Star Munchkin – Review

I can’t imagine anybody not knowing “Munchkin“. In case you don’t, let me shortly introduce you to the game itself: “Munchkin” is – by now


Genshin Impact – Good Game or Money Grabbing Gatcha?

Whenever Genshin Impact is mentioned by the gaming community, the comments are normally regarding it being an overly simple, money grabbing gatcha game which only


Hogwarts Legacy – New Footage

New footage has been released of the upcoming game based on the Harry Potter franchise. The new footage was released by Sony through their State


“Quest & The Sign Of The Shining Beast” Book Launch Announcement & Giveaway

For some months now, we here at the SFFN, along with many of our avid readers, have been eagerly following Quest & The Sign Of


Why Tamsin Greig Should be the Next Doctor

Why Tamsin Greig Should be the Next Doctor. With Peter Capaldi announcing that this will be his final year as the Doctor, it’s time for


Steampunk Hands Around The World – Wrap Up

As we wrap up the fourth annual Steampunk Hands Around the World, it is worth looking at all the reasons we’ve read and heard about