Articles By This Author


“I Will Have War” – On Thorin Oakenshield's “Controversial” Decision

If Thorin’s movie version seems to be going down the path of insanity and complete hostility, it isn’t all as scandalous as we may be


Niky Wardley Teases Catherine Tate Reunion on Big Finish

Doctor Who star Niky Wardley has suggested that she will be reuniting with Catherine Tate at Big Finish soon. Niky, famous for her role as Tamsin


Rebels: On The Mandalorian Daughter's Triumph And The Double-Agent's Bravery

The last two episodes of Star Wars Rebels, after a long break, have brought us right into the action: as if they were saying, “this


Hot Moon By Alan Smale

Set for release this July and published by CAEZIK SF & Fantasy, an imprint of Arc Manor Books. The novel will be available in eBook and


Sonic Origins – Out Now

For those Sonic fans waiting on the new remaster compilation of the first four Sonic games then it is out now. However, the prevailing advice


The Temptation of Power, Bombadil, and the Bendu

I have never seen the worlds of Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings get as close to each other as I did last


Thorin Oakenshield from Book to Film

What has been seen cannot be unseen and so it is hard to look behind to a time when one of J.R.R. Tolkien’s most iconic


Teleri Elves: The Fashion Design of Sven Weber

We took the opportunity to catch up with Sven Weber at Ringcon and take a look at his stunning Tolkien inspired dress design of the


AIST Debuts on Italian National Radio Programme

AIST Barbara Sanguineti works at AIST, the Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani (Italian Association Tolkien Study), and shared with the SFFN some of the latest news


Steven Universe – The Spiritual Successor To Avatar?

I’ve talked a lot about Avatar the Last Airbender and its sequel, The Legend of Korra. At first glance, Steven Universe seems like a completely